The Beauty Bunch

A blog written by some wise women.

Alexis Walker Alexis Walker

Best Ways to Prevent Aging

Aging can be caused by the sun, UV rays from tanning beds, the way we use our skin care, the foods we consume, the amount of sleep we get, our stress levels and genetics and more. The older we get, the less collagen we make. In fact, after age 25, we lose 1% or more of collagen every year! Your skin care routine can help prevent this.

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Alexis Walker Alexis Walker

Why Acne is More Than Skin Deep

Hello ladies! My name is Alexis and I am an esthetician who has dealt with severe acne. If you’re here it’s probably because you do or have at one point in your life also dealt with the oh so dreaded skin condition, acne vulgaris. My point in this blog is to help more women (and men) understand why acne is more than just a skin condition

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