Why Acne is More Than Skin Deep

Hello ladies! My name is Alexis and I am an esthetician who has dealt with severe acne. If you’re here it’s probably because you do or have at one point in your life also dealt with the oh so dreaded skin condition, acne vulgaris. My point in this blog is to help more women (and men) understand why acne is more than just a skin condition. 

  In my teens I never had any acne and never thought I would be one to deal with it. In 2020 I got pregnant with my second child and during most of my pregnancy I had clear skin. After I had my daughter my skin started blowing up with painful cysts that continued to get worse. It started on my chin and cheeks and spread to my forehead. There wasn’t a place on my face without hot red painful spots. 

During this time I was going through a lot of emotions. If you’ve ever had a child you know how hard it can be on your body and mind. Despite how wonderful motherhood can be, it can also be some of the hardest times of our lives. When your body goes through stress and we don’t address the issue our skin tells us in different ways and one way is hormonal acne. 

I went to a dermatologist who prescribed me antibiotics for my acne (many times) which works during the time you’re on them but they never tell you that antibiotics damage the healthy bacteria in our gut and when our gut can’t release the bad bacteria guess where it does release it? Our skin. 

After trying everything my last resort was accutane, now while accutane can be wonderful it has a lot of negative side effects. During my accutane treatment which was supposed to be 12 months, it was actually only 4 because my side effects were unbearable. I decided to get off treatment early and research ways to help my acne naturally. 

I found that regulating hormones, gut health and protecting our skin's barrier are some of the best ways at treating hormonal acne. One way women can address hormonal acne is spearmint! Spearmint tea and capsules naturally lower the androgens that cause oil production in women. Eating food high in prebiotics and probiotics can help heal our gut and in turn help our skin. Foods high in these are raw sauerkraut, Greek yogurt, kombucha, kimchi, kefir, fermented sourdough bread, fermented cheeses, and many more. 

Using skin care that helps heal the barrier and reduce inflammation rather than strip our skin will help immensely. I use FarmHouse Fresh on myself and on my clients and it has transformed my skin as well as many of my clients! 

Find out more about Farmhouse Fresh and why we love it here.

*Do not take any supplements or change your diet unless it has been discussed with your physician*

Book a facial or consultation with me today to discuss your skincare needs:

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Call 717-502-1566 

Alexis Walker

Esthetician, Make-up Artist, Studio Eyelash Tech.


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