Your hair isn’t frizzy, it’s probably wavy. 

A guide to your new wavy hair routine, written by Molly Dion, stylist at Expressions by Tanya salon.

Have you ever noticed that your hair is not straight, but it’s not curly either?  Does your hair frizz up when you brush it? Do you see S shaped bends or loose curls forming in your hair when its wet, but it as soon as you comb it, it straightens out?

If you can relate, you don’t just have frizzy hair, you probably have wavy hair!

Wavy hair is somewhere between curly hair and straight hair. It’s common that you have been treating your hair like it’s straight because you know it’s not curly. Waves are a part of the curl family and should be cared for accordingly.

Introducing new products and styling methods to your hair routine can sound overwhelming at first, but styling your wavy hair will allow you to enhance your hair’s natural pattern without spending hours on it, and save you time and energy in the long run. I would love to share some of my favorite tips I have learned throughout the course of my own wavy hair journey.

It all starts on wash day:

The first step to fighting frizz is controlling it before it starts! This begins in the shower on hair wash days.

  • When shampooing, it is best to apply the shampoo to only your scalp and scrub using the pads of your fingers or gently with your nails. When you rinse it out, you can run the suds through the rest of your hair to clean it. If you go longer periods between washes, you can shampoo a second time.

  • Opposite to shampoo, your conditioner should be applied from the mid to end length of your hair (starting below your ears and down.) To avoid feeling weighed down or greasy, you do not want to apply much conditioner to your scalp. Now that the conditioner is in your hair, use a wide tooth comb and gently comb the conditioner through your hair. Let this sit for 2-5 minutes, and rinse gently to avoid creating knots and tangles.

The importance of products and how to apply them:

Wavy hair sometimes needs some extra help in holding it’s shape. Your hair could be a lot wavier than you think it is, but without enhancing products it has probably been hard to tell. Here is a general description of the type of products your hair will love and how to use them.

The best time to apply your products is to soaking wet hair!

  • The first product you will apply is the most essential of all, your leave in conditioner. They provide needed moisture and nutrients to your hair, and are great for detangling, combating frizz, and can provide heat and UV protection. Leave in conditioners come in a vast variety, and it can be difficult to determine which one will work best for you. If your hair is dry and has a course texture, a thick, creamier consistency may work best for you. If you have fine hair, or are prone to oiliness, a lighter spray may work better for you.

  • Next product you will use is your curl defining product. Although you may not have tight ringlets, wavy hair is classified as a part of the curl family. Mousses, defining curl creams, and gels are going to be your best friend when it comes to defining your pattern and controlling frizz. The defining product will create a cast around your hair as it dries, this might result in the dreaded crunchy, or sticky feeling that most of us avoid, but this cast will control frizz and define your wave pattern. The product encapsulates your wave as it dries to keep it defined. The good news is, you can break the crunchy cast once your hair dries! This can be done by using a hair oil.

  • Oils and shine mists help combat frizz and static, soften the cast left by defining products, and create a soft, shiny look and feel to your hair while keeping it defined. When your hair iscompletely dry use a small amount of a hair oil in your hands, and scrunch or shake the product through your hair, avoid brushing it.

With a lot of products being marketed to curly hair, and not many that are made specifically for waves, it can be hard to determine what your hair really needs. You may go through a long process of trial and error with products, but I’m here to help identify your hair type and make professional recommendations to help you enhance and embrace the hair you naturally have!

If you relate to this description on wavy hair, or still unsure and struggling to incorporate a similar routine to your wash days, don’t hesitate to book an appointment for a haircut with me! You will be shocked to see the difference it makes to have a cut that suits you, and the results of using styling products that work great on your hair type!

I’m always excited to answer any questions, try out products before you commit to purchasing, and offer recommendations for your specific needs and hair concerns. I hope to see you in my chair!


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Studio Stylist; Molly Dion



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